Boy Meets Wiki

The long-running show Boy Meets World is filled with various continuity errors. Here we attempt to list them.

Missing Characters

Changing Backstory

Skipping Years

  • Originally Cory, Shawn and Topanga were part of the graduating class of 2000 (appearing in 6th grade in the 1993-1994 school year). This was stated in the episode Class Pre-Union when Feeny tells the class they will be "the graduating class of 2000" and a banner displayed at the class pre-union also reads "Welcome Back, Class of 2000". However the characters graduate High School as the class of 1998 in the episode Graduation. Somewhere between entering 7th grade in the fall of 1994 (in the episode Back 2 School) and starting 11th grade in the fall of 1996 (in the episode I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More) the characters "skipped" two years. In early season 3, Mr. Turner calls Shawn a 15-year-old kid, which is the average age for a 9th or 10th grade student.

Cory and Topanga

  • Cory's explanation of when he fell in love with Topanga changes from when she kissed him in Cory's Alternative Friends, to when they were catching fireflies as kids, to when they were playing at a playground as toddlers.
  • In A Long Walk to Pittsburgh: Part 2, Cory says Topanga kissed him when he was 13, although at the time (at least, in that particular episode), his stated age was 11.
  • In Resurrection, Topanga recreates her weird dance from Cory's Alternative Friends by drawing a heart on her face, then one on Cory to include him. In the original dance, it had been a circle with a cross through it. This is not necessarily an error as Resurrection took place on Valentine's Day, and the change may well have been intentional.
    • She also says in the episode that she was teaching Cory the meaning of the poem, when in reality it was her idea for a project about the environment.


  • Alan states several times throughout the show (particularly in Kid Gloves) that he was in the Navy, yet in Family Trees it is said he was a cook in the coast guard and Eric only thinks he was in the Navy because he's stupid.


  • In some episodes, Amy works for an art museum. In others, she works in real estate. Towards the end, she seems like a homemaker. In fact, Alan mentions that Amy is a homemaker in an early episode.




Janitor Bud

  • It is possibly a continuity error that Janitor Bud is said to have only one eye, but no effort is made to make this seem so.


Rhiannon Lawrence

Dana Pruitt

Changing Actors
